¿Is Costa Rica a safe place to travel? - Costa Rica for Kids
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¿Is Costa Rica a safe place to travel?

July 17, 2024

Follow these tips for a safe vacation in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a safe and clean place to visit. People are friendly, and there are usually no major weather events (such as earthquakes or hurricanes).

Tortuguero Boat Trip Costa Rica

If you are thinking about whether Costa Rica is a safe place to travel, the answer is yes. It is a country with excellent security, but like all destinations in the world, there are cases of robbery and theft.

Costa Rica has a very low crime rate. Violent crime is rare and weapons are illegal in Costa Rica. With the right combination of caution and common sense, most thefts can be easily prevented. Tourists are usually safe during their trip to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s Minister of Tourism, María Amalia Revelo, assures that the country has undertaken specific improvement actions in the last year that has led them to become a “safer” country.

Some important tips to prevent theft:

  • Ask where you are staying in which places are recommended for tourists and what others not, as in any destination,
    there are areas that are better to avoid.
  • Don’t carry too much cash, just what you need. Do not take out your wallet or purse on the street with many people
    around, try to do it inside stores or establishments.
  • Avoid touring unfamiliar places at night and unaccompanied. Especially if they are lonely places.
  • Take care of your luggage. Most losses are due to carelessness.
  • If you rent a car, don’t leave it anywhere with all your luggage inside. It is better to leave it in a secure
    parking lot and it’s better if the luggage is not visible from the outside.
  • On the street avoid taking electronic devices or valuable things. Always be accompanied and if possible with someone
    who knows the area.

Tips for Planning a Fun and Stress-Free Family Vacation

To make the most of your family vacation in Costa Rica, consider the following tips:

  • Learn Some Spanish Phrases: While many people in tourist areas speak English, learning a few basic Spanish phrases can be helpful and enhance your experience.
  • Take Out Family Travel Insurance: Having travel insurance provides peace of mind in case of unexpected events, such as medical emergencies or trip cancellations.
  • Book Your Hotels and Flights in Advance: Costa Rica is a popular destination, especially during the dry season, so it is essential to book your accommodations and flights well in advance to secure the best options.
  • Consider Packing a Portable Stroller or Baby Carrier: If you have young children, a portable stroller or baby carrier can be very useful for navigating airports, walking around towns, and exploring attractions.
  • Plan for Downtime: While there are plenty of activities to keep your family busy, it is important to schedule some downtime to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

 Costa Rica offers a diverse range of beaches catering to various tastes, making it perfect for families seeking a memorable beach vacation. From the Northern Pacific Coast to the Caribbean Coast, there’s a beach destination for every family. Whether you are looking for calm waters and amenities at Playa Hermosa, unique shell-covered sands at Playa Conchal, or the vibrant culture of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica has something to offer every family.



Final Tips for a Memorable Family Vacation in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a safe and family-friendly destination, but it is essential to be aware of natural hazards like currents and tides. Always respect wildlife and follow safety guidelines in national parks. Don’t forget to try local dishes like gallo pinto and casado, and take time to relax and enjoy the beautiful beaches and scenery Costa Rica has to offer.

With its stunning beaches, rich biodiversity, and family-friendly activities, Costa Rica is an ideal destination for a fun-filled and memorable family vacation. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and get ready to discover the best beaches in Costa Rica for families!

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